
Bio-99 + LCD Touch (Dual Custody)

Product Description :

Model: Bio-99 + LCD Touch Dual Custody.

Size: Height-24", Width-18", Depth-18"

Weight: 60-Kgs. Volume: 110-Ltrs.

Locking: Basic: LCD Pin Lock. Dual Mechanical: Pipe/Dimple Profile Lock

Door:  Lazer Cut, Auto Lock, Crumple Zones.

Colour: 100% Powder coated. Door: Light Grey,  Body: Dark Grey

Interior: Felt Lining on 3-sides & bottom. Removable Shelves: Two Nos.


Medium size to accommodate legal files & other expensive possessions.

Bio-99 can store 99-fingers, first 3-fingers are admin's fingers & balance 96-fingers are users. Only admin finger can add or delete the user's fingers. Similarly, LCD-Touch panel can store two independent pins of 8-digits each. This design is to give a higher level of security when two independent users are to input their respective inputs to open the safe.

Technical Details :

Application :